The Berks County Homebrew Club’s barrel project has come to fruition.
In April and May, 10 members combined to brew 55 gallons of a classic style Belgian Dubbel, choosing their preference of all grain or extract and each fermenting individually. A special thanks to Weak Knee Homebrew Supply in Pottstown for creating our kits. We combined everyone’s batch into an oak bourbon barrel courtesy of Weyerbacher Brewing.
All of the beer was combined on May 10, the barrel was outfitted with a blowoff tube for any extra fermentation with varying stages of the beer from different brewers, and a big thanks to Canal St. Pub, our monthly meeting location, we were able to store it in the dining room for all to see and read about.
Club members would check on the beer at our monthly meetings, using a sanitized wine thief to check the progress of the aging and flavoring. Each month produced a different flavor as the beer grew more complex. We have just emptied the barrel on Sept. 27, allowing the beer to sit for 4 1/2 months. Each member got back the amount they put into the project, and will be bottling or kegging on their own.